According to the survey , most men do not aspire to be " american idol " 3 winner taylor hicks 根据这次调查,大多数男士并不渴望成为像泰勒?希克斯那样的“美国偶像”的获胜者。
" it ' s aggravating when it happens , " said dorothy few , 74 , who did n ' t watch the show that crowned taylor hicks its latest winner wednesday night 我实在是讨厌有人打错了电话,然后再把电话给挂了” 。她没有观看周三晚泰勒希克斯摘得"偶像"桂冠的总决赛。
Twice as many people 23 percent were able to identify the most recent winner of the television talent show " american idol , " taylor hicks , as were able to name the supreme court justice confirmed in january 2006 , samuel alito 11 percent 最近一项调查显示,四分之三的美国人可以准确说出两位白雪公主的小侏儒的名字,但是只有四分之一能够说出最高院法官的名字。